Camera is a responsive/adaptive slideshow. Try to resize the browser window
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It's completely free (even though a donation is appreciated)
Camera slideshow provides many options to customize your project as more as possible
It supports captions, HTML elements and videos.

Kontak Kami

CV Booking Villa Bandung adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Jasa Sewa Villa di Kawan Lembang, Bandung. Berdiri sejak tahun 2015. Layanan Sewa Villa, Sewa Extrabed, Outbound dll

Alamat: Jl Kolonel Masturi Km 9 Parongpong. Villa Istana Bunga

Rumah: Jl Cigugur Girang Kp Baru, RT.03/RW.01, Cigugur Girang, Kec. Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559

Email Kami:

Kontak: 08122314421 - 087825902622

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